The word YOGA has a long history. It is an integral subjective science. Its divisions into spiritual, mental or physical cannot be separated from each other.

Yoga is equanimity, sernity and control of the senses and the mind. It is a spiritual technique, a way, a path, a method that has smething to offer to everyone, religious and the non-religious, men and women irrespective of age, faith or clime factors find in Yoga a way to healthier, happier and harmonious life.

Any one can practice yoga. You don't need special equipment or clothes-just a small amount of space and a strong desire for a healthier, more fulfilled life. The yoga postures or asanas exercise every part of the body, strtching and toning the muscles and joints, the spine and the entire skeletal system.
And they work not only on the body's frame but internal organs, glands and be nerves as well, keeping all system in radiant health. By releasing physical and mental tension, they also liberate vast reources of energy. The yogic breathing exercises known as pranayama revitalize the body and help to control the mind, leaving you felling calm and refreshed, while the prcatice of positive thinking and menditation gives increased clarity, mental power and concentration.

    Meditation is a mental exercise that can help to relieve the stressful realities of life. At best daily life filled with minor frustrations, conflicts,indecisions,disappointments and worries at home and work living in an urbon, industrial environment increases the tension. Even during quiet times,anxiety,depression, loneliness or fear may come to trouble the mind. And when unforeseen difficulties arise, life may seem unbearable. But by practicing meditation these troublesome circumstances will lose the power to upset you and you will be able to face the ups and downs of life with more tolerance and acceptance.

Regardless of age or profession, meditation can bring benifits to your life. Professionals suffering from lond hours of demanding work can meditate to relax  the mind. Those working as steady routine can find relief from boredom or restlessness. The elderly and those burdened with illness will not be so troubled with disconfort of fear. And students can improve the memory and will be able to their studies well. In all meditation can help you to lead a more productive, satisfying, healthy and comfortable life. And the wisdom that develops through meditation brings a happiness that surpasses all others.

Taiji Quan (Tai Chi Chuan) is a time-tested art which gently exercises the body, the energy flow, and the mind, and can be used for health, longevity, mentalfreshness, and spiritual development. Taiji Quan aims at well - being, uncluding the attainment of grace and balance, the promotion of physical and emotional health, and the development of energy flow. Though there are many varieties of Taiji Quan today, all have a common philosophy of relaxation of the mind and body so the body's natural energy can flow freely.  Actually, Taiji Quan often referred to as an internal or soft style of martial arts. In reality, while it does emphasize internal development, Taiji Quan, like all style of Chinese martial arts, contains internal and external, hard and soft components.
Taiji Quan
“Mind precedes all mental states. Mind is their chief; they are all mind- wrought. If with a pure mind a person speaks or acts, happiness follows him"
(Lord Buddha’s teaching)

“Health is the highest gain, contentment the greatest wealth. A trustworthy person is the best kinsman, Nibbana is the highest bliss.”
(Lord Buddha’s teaching)

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